Friday, May 22, 2015

Debate over what to teach in the Classroom

The debate over what should be taught in the classroom seems to be an emotional competition between Atheistic/Agnostic Scientific worldview and the Creation Science world view, with all other parties some where in the middle.  Of note is that all parties view themselves as being faithful to the truth.  That is why many people get very emotionally invested in any debates about the relationship between scientific discovery and Biblical Revelation.

Some people view the Bible as fiction and say that it should be discarded or used for only literary purposes.

Muslims view the Bible as formerly true until the Christians and Jews corrupted it, which lead to Muhammad and the Koran.

Jews view the Bible in many different ways as long as the good Jew excludes the New Testament.

Christians view the Bible as the inspired revelation of God to man, and have many different ways of interpreting it.

Interestingly enough only Muslims and Creationist (some Jews some Christians) insist on rejecting the current scientific narrative of origins. Granted there are some folks that are just out there who reject the scientific narrative for reasons ranging from UFO siting’s to saying it just does not sound plausible. Please note these folks usually keep to themselves not insisting on forcing their worldview on the rest of humanity. Creationist on the other hand would like to see their worldview represented in Science textbooks.

Interestingly enough this is only a really big issue in the United States. Only recently has this spilled over to England and Europe, and it is still not as big an issue as it is in the States.

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